About Us

We are committed bibliophiles and collectors so we understand books. We've been selling books for about 40 years and remember the days when we would produce 400-500 calatalogues six times a year. Times have changed but our commitment to the highest professional standards of bookselling has not. We pride ourselves on complete customer satisfaction, if you aren't happy with our service then let us know and we will put it right. We have 100% customer satisfaction ratings on all the major platforms that we use and we are determined to be the best.

Times have changed and we have moved with the times. This is the third or fourth re-incarnation of our website and it is now tablet and mobile friendly. We hope you enjoy your shopping experience with Fantastic Literature Ltd and we look forward to working with you over the coming years to enhance and improve your collection and to broaden the authors you might like to read.

We welcome your feedback on all aspects of our operation.